The Uncorked 2025 Reading Challenge Is Here!

Good Morning Reader,

I'm so excited to announce that the 2025 Uncorked Reading Challenge is posted. Thank you so much to everyone who took a few minutes to fill out our reading challenge survey. I loved your theme ideas and used as many as I could.

I also heard you - and feel you - about wanting a little more wiggle room along with "cozier"/chill themes. With all that has been going on this year - and what awaits us in 2025 - we are going to need our community more than ever.

2025 Uncorked Reading Bingo Cards

As in previous years, I highly recommend editing bingo cards in Canva - there is a free version - with this Canva Uncorked Reading Bingo template link. In Canva, just upload your book covers and drop them over the respective theme. Then, click "share" to download your updated card.

Some readers also print out bingo cards, edit them in other phone apps, or manipulate them using Instagram stories.

January to March Bingo card
April to June Bingo card
July to September bingo card
October to December bingo card

Printable Reading Challenge Trackers

If bingo cards aren't for you, we also have printable PDF trackers to record what you are reading, including a one-theme-a-month tracker.

Finishing Out 2024 Uncorked Reading

It's not too late to start our final 2024 reading challenge bingo card.

Bonus Fall Bingo Card

We also have a bonus card that is just for fun.

Happy Uncorked Reading!

The Uncorked Librarian LLC

The Uncorked Librarian is an online literary magazine filled with curated book and movie lists to inspire travel.

Read more from The Uncorked Librarian LLC
Fall Bingo Card Option 1

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